Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 2010

The first of the month, we took Brennar to his 6 month check up. He was almost 28 inches and weighed in at 16 pounds. With these stats, he is in the 90% for height, but only 10-25% for weight. We have one tall, but tiny little man!

Since the 4th fell on a Sunday this year, we went with my friend, Val and her family, to the outside worship service their church held. We had a great time. After the service, they had a bbq for the congregation. Here are the boys (Eli) in their "Babies first 4th" outfits.

Brennar is learning the fine art of crawling now. He hasn't quite figured out that his hands have to move along with his legs, so he kind of does the worm. It is so cute, we have recorded it no less then 10 times now.

Whew!! I am finally caught up!!! Hopefully this will be a great way for our friends and family to stay up on the latest with our little family!

June 2010

The month of June was very busy for us. My parents visited us, we went up to Blackhawk, CO for a party, a couple of our good friends were married, it was Clint's first Father's Day and, it was Brennar's half birthday!!!

The beginning of the month, one of my good friends, Valerie, and I took Brennar and her little boy swimming for the first time. Brennar did awesome, we had a really fun time seeing their first reactions to swimming pools!
This is a picture of the boys on the way to the pool.

When my parents were here, I had to go up to Blackhawk to a bachelorette party, so my parents and Alex came with me and watched Brennar while I was out "partying" with all the girls. They took him in the pool at the hotel, I think they all had fun!

Clint was in one of his good friends' weddings the next weekend, and of course we took our little man with us. He did great and lasted until about 9 ish. Since we were all dressed up, we took one of our only family pictures.

Father's Day was fun for the entire family. We decided to make brunch here, so we had my parents, my brother, Clint's parents and his brother and his family over. It was a lot of fun! It was also my very first time hosting a meal at our house, I think it was a success, but I may be biased! Later in the day we took my mom and dad to the Rockies game, it was a great way to spend our Father's Day, we were both lucky enough to get to see our own dads this year!

Brennar also celebrated his 1/2 year Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Brennar Matthew!!!

May 2010

May marked my very first Mother's Day! It was so exciting to be able to celebrate with all of those mothers out there! I got flowers and breakfast in bed in the morning and then Brennar got me a beautiful charm bracelet, it was an amazing day.

The next weekend, Brennar and I took our very first airplane ride together. We went to Washington state to see my cousin Amanda get married. Brennar did awesome on the plane ride, he slept the entire way, both ways, it was amazing, even the people next to me couldn't believe how well it went, much to their liking I am sure! We had a fantastic time visiting with everyone from my Dad's side of the family. He was able to meet everyone, including his Great Grama and Grampa Koepp. Again, he was so charming, everyone fell in love with him.
This is Brennar before the rehearsal dinner:)

It was so much fun to get to spend the weekend with everyone, we really had a great time. My cousin Laura was 5 months pregnant at the time so I think she had fun getting to hold a baby! The wedding was beautiful, and Brennar was a perfect gentleman!

The weekend after that, Clint and I celebrated our first anniversary together. We went to Denver for the weekend, and stayed at the hotel where he proposed. We had a great time. I can't leave my baby boy for more than a few hours, and even that is hard, so Clint's parents drove down to Denver to watch Brennar in our hotel room so we could go out for dinner. It was really nice of them, and I didn't have to be away from my baby for too long!

The next day, we took Brennar to the zoo, he seemed to have a pretty good time. It was during his normal nap time, but he stayed awake to take in all the animals. All in all it was a really fun weekend!

Memorial Day weekend, one of my best friends, Jaime, came to visit us. We had a lot of fun taking her around Boulder and Denver, hopefully she had as good of a time as we did!

April 2010

April bought about a lot of fun times for Brennar. He went on his first road trip to Montana. We spent Easter there and also had him baptized at the church where I grew up by the same Pastor who baptized Clint and who married us. It was really special that we were able to do this, we just hope we will be able to baptize all our children there before he retires!

Easter was especially fun for us. We really enjoyed dressing Brennar up and watching him "open" his Easter basket.

While we were in Montana he also got to meet his Great Grama and Grampa Flynn for the first time, along with my two best friends Gena and Jaime. Just like I thought, he was quite the charmer, and everyone loved him!

We chose his Godparents to be his Uncle Brion and Aunt Liz (Clint's brother and sister-in-law) and Shann and Ericka (almost) Schillinger (Clint's best friend). He is so lucky to have so many people who love him so much, they all traveled a long way to be with him when he was baptized.

When Brennar was 6 weeks old, I went and got his pictures taken and got them back right when we got home from Billings, here are a couple of them...

March 2010

During the month of March was when I think Brennar really became a baby and not just a newborn. He giggled out loud for me, would smile a lot more often, and this was when I saw him roll over for the first time. When he was about a week shy of turning 3 months old, he doubled his birth weight, and went up to the 40 percentile! His daddy was very happy!!!!

February 2010

We enjoyed every minute of our little man through his first month. He was so good, he honestly NEVER cried. He was such a good baby. I didn't venture out of the house for at least a good 6 weeks after he was born, and then it was very limited. Didn't let anybody hold him either! He was strong really from the beginning and started holding his head up while laying on his tummy about 6 weeks or so.

When he turned 2 months, my parents were in town so we had then watch him so we could go on our first date, post baby, and wouldn't you know, he rolled over for them!

The rest of the month was pretty uneventful, although, I say he smiled for the first time around this time too!

December 2009 - January 2010

Brennar Matthew Stapp arrives!!! My parents came to town on the 23rd of December, along with my brother Alex. We had all agreed to spend Christmas at our house since I was due to have our baby on the 11th of January. We spent Christmas Eve at Clint's brother's house, with his 2 kids, my in-laws and then also my parents and Alex. It was a nice relaxing night. The next morning we did Christmas at our house, just our little family, then headed over to Clint's parents to celebrate with them. We had a great time getting to spend the holidays with both of our immediate families. The morning of the 26th, I woke up and was feeling pretty good. Through out the day, when I would sit down, I had a little more "leaking" then I had been having, but still wasn't sure what it was. Around 5 I decided to call my doctor and he said to come in just to make sure it wasn't my water that had broken. I called Clint home from work and off we went! When we got there they checked and sure enough it was my water!!! I was only 1 centimeter and because my water had been leaking all day they had to induce me. They started pitocin and gave me a sleeping pill and told me it would be a long night and to get some rest; It was. I couldn't sleep at all. They checked me at 4 am and I was still only at 1, but I was starting to have some very painfull contractions and I was throwing up, not a good combination, so they gave me some pain meds to take the edge off a little. They ame back at 8 am, still only 1, but at this point the pain meds had worn off and I was miserable, so they gave me my epidural. It was FANTASTIC!!!! Highly recommend!! At 9 they checked me and finally progress, I was at 4, at 11 I was checked again and I was 7. At noon I was 10, but then I started freaking out, I was balling, and told them I wasnt ready, I was terrified to say the least. The nurse said she was going to call the doctor, and then when he showed up it would be go time. So, I made my mom come in the room and put some make-up on me!!! The doctor came in at 12:45, got set up, told me to push, I did, twice, and 7 minutes later....Brennar Matthew Stapp arrived, December 27, 1:01 pm, 6 lbs 4 oz, 19 1/4 inches

And of course, he was perfect! It was the most amazing experience of my life, I loved every minute of it, and with the help of the epidural, it was sooooo much easier than I thought. We stayed in the hospital 2 more nights and then went home to start our life as a family of 3, 4 if you count Koda!