The month went by incredibly fast for us. We just had so much going on. I am sure this is how most families with school age kids feel, but I just wasn't ready for it. We went to San Diego over Labor Day, then we have just had a bunch of "stuff" happening. Brennar and I started a Music Together class with our good friends Valerie and Eli that is every Tuesday morning - during nap time - so "we" are still deciding if we like it:) but, so far it has been a lot of fun; I decided to do Bunco with the ladies in my neighborhood, which is once a month, and LOVED it; I am doing a womens bible study every Wednesday morning, it has been great so far, I have met quite a few young moms in it, which if great for me; I am trying to do a MOPS group every other Thursday with Valerie; and I am doing a book club once a month with the neighborhood ladies too. We have gone to two Broncos games, two Rockies games and I threw Valerie a baby shower. So... that is why I haven't been good about blogging!!
Although our month was jam packed, we have had so much fun. We love going to the games together and it seems like Brennar does too! Of course, I didn't bring the camera with to any of them:(
Brennar has had a big month too! He has his two bottom teeth now, he is so cute, but I will miss his little gummy smile!
He has also learned how to pull himself up on, well, anything!! (Sorry to overload you with pictures, but I just can't help myself!!)
He doesn't like smiling for the camera at all:)
Him and his best buddy Eli checking to make sure they ARE doing something they aren't supposed to be!
I am hoping this will be to my advantage when he starts potty-training:)
He also had his 9 month check-up yesterday. He is weighing in at 19lbs exactly, which puts him in the 25% and 30 inches exactly, which is 95%. So he is still long and lean like his daddy!
Sorry again for the marathon post, I promise I will be better in the future! And, again, because I just can't help myself, here are a few more pictures of my little prince charming!!
He is definitely a Stapp boy!
I was going to use this to blackmail him when he is older and has a girlfriend, but then I remembered I won't ever need to because I am never going to let him have one!!