Here is me with my babies, first thing in the morning! Happy Birthday to me!
We decided to just hang out around home for the afternoon while the kids napped, it was so nice to not have to do anything. Then for dinner, we went and picked up food from our favorite restaurant (I wont name names, but a little boy living in our house doesn't like to sit still long enough to even eat a fast food meal out) All in all, it was a great day! If 28 is as good as the first 27, bring it on!!
My sweet little princess
All 3 kids in the BOB, just testing it out to make sure that they all will fit when spring finally decides to show up, looking good!
Is she not the happiest little thing??? She rarely doesn't have a big grin like this on her face
Brennar is a big helper! Brilee kicks her legs constantly through out her baths, so Brennar gets right on in and helps her splash:)
She's not really eating a poptart, I promise!