Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hawaii - the final round

We ended the week swimming with the dolphins again. We absolutely love doing this.  Brilee was a little bummed she didn't get to go.  We could hear her screaming the entire time we were in the water:(  She is such a little animal lover, next year she will be able to get in with us.
My mom trying to distract her 
B man anxiously awaiting getting in the water.  They make you go 30 min before you can actually go in, I don't know why they think that is a good idea with kids who are just so excited.
His first touch.  This was the mom, Ewa and you can kind of see the baby in the shadow, Ipo, he was born when we were there last year.

Brennar actually kissed them this year, he just loved it! After our swim, we headed over to the turtle pool, here Brilee is checking things out.

And here is one of my most very favorite moments of the entire trip...my baby girl finishing off my coffee! I just can't wait to go to starbucks for coffee with her!

Brennar lounging in the warm sand
I love action shots!

He loves everything about his "Crapa"

At breakfast on our last morning we sat right next to all the Duck Dynasty family
Nothing cuter than a naked baby
I dont know why, but I think this is such a cool picture

What a stud!
Brennar and this bird just love each other, I still can't believe he remembered the birds name before we even got to the hotel
Proudly displaying his shark tooth necklace him and Grampa picked out
This rhino gets more attention from our family then it probably does the other 51 weeks of the year combined!
The kids running of some energy before the long and sad trip home
Brennar's first attempt at log-rolling, I think he mastered it
Brilee loves her daddy, especially when he is on the ground and the same size as her
Brennar giving Brilee a flower:)
And one more of the little Miss
It was the best trip I have ever been on! We all had a wonderful time!! Can't wait to go back!