These are completely out of order, but I would rather just get this posted before the 3 littles wake up rather then spend my time organizing them:)
This last weekend, we all got some one on one time with each other. Friday night, Clint and Brilee went to their first Daddy Daughter Dance at the church and I took my 2 boys out to dinner.
Then Sunday, Clint took Brennar and Brilee to a movie and I got to stay home and cuddle with this little man. This is my favorite picture of him to date - I love everything about it
Bryden spits up ALL.THE.TIME - neither of my other 2 did, so I am still not used to it, but he now spends his time bibs - so why not get super cute ones!!! For example....
This was a selfie, I just cut myself out, because really we just want to see this cutie anyways
My goofball at dinner with me
They were putting on a puppet show, I'm still not sure how it worked????
I took Brilee to get a new dress for the dance and this is what she picked out:)
The after picture of the dance - safe to say she had fun getting her face painted
My little miss waiting for daddy to get home to take her, she really was so so excited!
I finally caught one of his smiles, so adorable
Gosh, I really do have some cute kids!!! :)