Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Date night and a couple of cute kiddos

 Nothing super special to report here, just a few pics of my cuties:)

Brennar is obsessed with Jurassic World and the indominus rex right now
Bryden has started laying on the floor if Disney is on - he always has a cup and a snack with him
 This girl has discovered her love for shoes and clothes and changes MANY times a day
 And just as his shirt says, he is my perfect gentleman

 Bryden had a run in with the corner of a book shelf, and the book shelf won - luckily he didn't get stitches - actually because of the location on his eye they didn't want to try them, so he just got glue.  Clint took him in and I am so thankful, he said it was horrible watching him scream, not that he was in any pain really, just scared:(
 We had our annual date night at church a couple weekends ago - it will be Brennar's last year, but next year #3 gets to start going
 We had a blast

 Brexten had fun too:)
 He is just too adorable for me!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Kids' rooms

I ended up painting all 4 kids rooms this summer and have had a lot of people ask to see them, so here they are:)  I'm sure they aren't the best but I am pretty proud of my work, especially since I was at least 6 months pregnant when I started them

I had never painted Bryden's room, mostly because the wall color went so well with his stuff, but I felt bad so I painted one wall

Brexten ended up with a nautical theme


Brilee has a princess room, mostly because, well, she is a princess!!

Brennar's sports room

Soccer season

We started another soccer season - this year Brilee is old enough to do it but she choose to do gymnastics instead. I've got to limit how many activities they can do a week now, which is much needed but sort of sad at the same time.  They seem to really like anything they try so its a bummer to not be able to watch them have fun trying new things.

Brennar is on the same team as he was the last 2 years.  He doesn't get to see his best buddy Eli everyday now that they are in different schools, so they love getting to spend time together at soccer.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A little more of number four

He is just too sweet
First bath - took a minute but he loved it
And he loved being all warm and cozy with his new bath robe from Auntie Kelsey
Grampa Todd only was allowed to hold him while Brennar was at school, otherwise Brennar had him busy

Love him
And then there were 4!!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Introducing Brexten Jacob!

This is the newest little love of my life - I think he is the most perfect little thing ever!

I love his hair!

Here is the reason Clint and I were able to get some sleep the first 2 weeks after having 4! Life saver!!

He is so tiny that I feel like I got an extra 3 weeks with a newborn:)  I am guessing he is about 7 and 1/2 pounds right now, so just getting to the size Brilee and Bryden were born at.
Proud big brother
The absolute best big sister this little dude could hope for
She adores him
Ahhhh, he is just too much!!
She really does have a smile this big on her face every time she gets to hold him:)