Friday, May 6, 2016

Mother's Day Tea

 This morning Brilee's school had a Mother's Day Tea, it was so nice spending some one on one time with my only princess.

She made me my own placemat
 Then they all sang a few songs for us
 She is just the best little thing
 We are best friends, I hope she always feels this way
 It was a super special morning, and I won't soon forget it
 Brennar has been so good about trying new foods, which if you know my kids is amazing, so he asked for a picture taken with him eating a hard-boiled egg:)


And this one, who is amazing just like his shirt says, had a fun morning with daddy

Brexten's month

 This little guy has learned so so much the past month!

He has learned to sit up really well, crawl really well, and go from sitting to crawling and he also decided he was big enough to pull himself up on things.  Nothing is safe anymore!!

He also discovered he likes to pull the wipes out, just like all my other kiddos did around the same age
 Brilee was practicing taking pictures, she did pretty good I think
 Gosh, he is just the sweetest

 And SUCH a happy baby

 He likes most of the foods I feed him now, so that is very nice
 He still doesn't have any teeth, so we are enjoying his little gummy smile while we can
 He does pretty good with selfies too;)
 And his newest trick

Bryden's month

 Oh my naughty little 2 year old, actually I can't say that he is as bad as he was a couple months ago, he is learning to communicate more what is wants/needs and we all seem to be benefitting from it.

I honestly can't stand how cute he is.  His personality is SOOO awesome.  He genuinely loves his life.  He melts me every day

 I mean really, how sweet is he?
 And he is getting pretty good on the scooter so has been much happier playing outside with Brennar and Brilee
 And he loves getting his picture taken, it is so cool
 Seriously, if I am taking a picture of anyone else he comes running over for one of him too
 But who could resist, I will take all the pictures I possibly can of him, one day he won't want me to anymore:(

Brilee's month

 Brilee, my little princess

It would be a shock for you to walk into my house and find her not holding one of her brothers, typically its #4 who she has, but sometimes....
its this one:)
 She still is obsessed with the clothes Maddi gave her, this bronco outfit is another one

 She is just the sweetest little girl, she has such a big heart

 completely my daughter, enjoying life with a starbucks in hand!

 We went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch that we go to in the fall, this time we got to plant pumpkin seeds!  Hope we can find our pumpkins in October;)
 Hard to see, but we made rainbow grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch one day, Brilee thought it was so cool.  She is quite particular with grilled cheese (we are a cheddar only family) but the only white cheese we had was mozzarella and she ate it all up
 When Brennar went to work with daddy, Brilee stayed home with me- she didn't have school that day anyways - but it was fun none the less

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Brennar's month

We have been CRAZY busy and it isn't getting any better until school is out in a few weeks.  But I want to remember all the little things we do daily, so again, these next few posts are more for myself. 


 Brennar doesn't leave Clint's side when he is home:)
 His laugh is so amazing, he starts and the rest of us can't help but laugh with him

 I'm so glad this little guy made me a mama
 The Dark Side!!
 Brennar and I ran a 5K together, it was so fun, we signed up for another one next weekend

 I love him so much
 Clint thought Brennar was old enough this year on Take your child to work day, he had a blast
 Such a dapper dude:)