Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Anderson Farms

Fall is here, so that means it is time for our annual Anderson Farms trip!!

First stop, barrel cars - they all got to go in their own ones this year, Brexten loved every second!

Next up, Oliver took us on a little tractor ride

We snuck in some extra family, Grampa Todd and Grama Honey!!

Happy dude!

Brilee in her element - with HORSES!

Brennar was a little bit over the horse but I thought for one last year he could do it

The petting zoo was a little bit crazy
I had to hold Brexten so they didn't eat him
This girl was happy to have animals all around her though

Photo op!!

We attempted the corn maze - for about 10 minutes!

love getting a pic in the cornucopia!

Heading out to the pumpkin patch

I don't think I could ever take enough pictures of them!

Another great fall at the farm!

Fox Trot and Friends

I found this new workshop place that I absolutely love! I invited a few friends and we each did a special project for our house

We all picked something so totally different, but it was so fun to get to be together
Isn't he the cutest???
The kids got their preschool pictures taken, I made them take a picture before we left so I could see if I liked their clothes:)

Brennar and Brilee have one fundraiser each year for their school, its called the Fox Trot.  They run around the field next to their school as many laps as they can for 20 minutes.  You can sponsor a certain dollar amount per lap or just give them a donation for encouragement.  Each dollar amount gives them special little incentives and this year the school earned over $40,000!! Best ever!

This is Brennar's 3rd grade class, his teacher is Mrs. Trembly

It was so dang cold out there this year.  Brennar didn't quite reach his goal, but he never stopped running once.
I ran with him and the cold really was hard, my lungs hurt so bad for hours after

I love seeing him with his buddies:)
Brilee's class ran a few hours later in the day, this is Mrs. Waters' first graders

I also ran with her - I almost died.  Brilee was the fastest girl in her round, only 1 other first grader in the school beat her for total laps, I was so proud of her!

These are some of my besties right now, we are all moms of the Saints football team - I adore them all!
And I got a new mug and made myself an eggnog latte in it - so had to document!
 A week after the fox trot the kids get to claim their prizes, pig races and jumping for money
Brennar jumped farther than the money line went and got a max $26 and his pig was the slowest so he got to keep it:)
Brilee and her bestie, Bria
Her pig came in second so no prize for that - she was pretty sad:(
But for lunch both kids earned enough to ride in the limo and have pizza, pop and cupcakes at the park - they had a blast!