Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My babies are getting so BIG!!!

I'll start out with the kids' doctor appointments:

Brennar: 25 lbs 14oz (24%) and 37 1/4 inches(99%)
Brilee: 15lbs 13oz (79%) and 26 1/2 inches (99%)
so that being said, I think my kids are really short:)

Both are doing great! The doctor said she would be happy if a 3 year old was talking as good as Brennar, yay!!! She said both kids look perfect, duh, I could have told her that:)

Here are the latest and greatest photos, of my two "perfect" (her words, not mine) kids...
I just love getting to put bows and headbands in her hair!

She looks so serious here, it is a rare occasion for her not to be smiling anymore, but just look at those eyes!

This is what I get when Brennar is playing and I tell him to smile for the camera:)

Brennar actually held on to Brilee down the slide (with a little help) and they both were grinning at the bottom

See, what did I tell you?????

This is NOT his smile at all, but I can think of a picture of me where I am smiling exactly the same way, so I got a little laugh out of it:)

Happy girl!

Mommy and her beautiful babies:)

I wish I wouldn't have got any of the rug in this picture and just her blanket, I love how bright all the colors are

Brennar has a chocolate mouth like this, every day, not even kidding, it is the one thing he asks to eat, so of course, I let him

Pretty little sister

Bath time!!!

How cute it this?????

We have had a great couple of weeks, minus a little puking. All our activities have started back up. We are super busy again, but it is nice to have things to do that get us out of the house. Some other super news, is that we get to go back to Hawaii for our family vacation, yay!!! Can't wait!! That's about it for now, from the Stapps:)

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