Friday, March 30, 2012

Park time!

For Christmas Art and Debbi gave us some money to go get new bikes and my parents bought us this bike trailer, I cannot wait to get to use it all the time this summer! Brennar loves it, seriously, loves it. We have used it maybe 5 or so times the last couple weeks and he asks almost every day to go for a "trailer ride". Brilee didn't initially like it so much, but the last few times she has done great. Clint and I are way, way out of shape, but it actually is really light to pull.

So, our first adventure was to one of the near-by elementary schools playground. It was a lot of fun. We go to the park that is near our house at least 4 times a week, so Brennar really liked changing it up a bit.

He has actually enjoyed the park so much, we bought a playset for the backyard. It is quite massive so we are waiting for my dad to make a trip out here to help set it up:)

Awful picture, but proof that Brilee was there, too.

This kid a no fear!! He would have climbed it himself, luckily he let daddy help

He practiced jumping to daddy, just like he does at swimming

This is the park by our house. It is so close and so nice to have. We actually met some kids there the first time we went this spring. Brennar and Audrey aka Laundry, made a love connection:) She is this adorable little girl who is 3 months older than Brennar, they had a great time. Brennar now asks to go see, Laundry and The Boy (Audrey's brother) everytime we go for a stroller ride to the park.

He is just the cutest!

I love how excited he gets for almost everything, he is such a sweet little boy, I love him so much!!

The Princess just hung out on the grass watching her big bro, she had a great time too. She was sitting on a blanket, but would kick and her little feet touched the grass, she loved it.

She just stared at Brennar running around the entire time.

Look how tall this slide is??? He thinks it is great. I sure hope he likes his new playset as much as he likes this park!

I took this picture of Brilee because it honestly was the first time she has ever messed with something on her head. She has barretts, clips, headbands or hats on everyday and she never bugs them, lucky me, I can dress her up to my hearts content!!


I really dont have a name for this post, it is just a bunch of random pictures I had on my camera, but you know me, can't let an opportunity of my showing off my beautiful children pass me by:) This is Brennar's fedora - Grampa Flynn really likes it:)

Brennar gets to feed Koda everyday, usually he puts just the right amount in his dish, but on this particular day, he obviously was having a grand ol time playing with it:)

He did help clean it up, though, so I wasn't too mad

I just love the way these two interact, Brilee is just enthralled with her big brother, and Brennar absolutely adores her, it is the cutest thing

Not quite sure what was going on here?????

He is just so good with her!!

Clint took Brennar to his first Denver Nuggets game, they were both beyond excited to go


Clint said he sat great through the first 30-40 minutes, then politely said "Daddy go home now" :)

My happy little princess

It is so nice that she likes smiling for the camera as much as Brennar does. Or maybe they just smile because they think I am making a complete fool out of myself trying to get them to smile, hmmmmm....

Either way, I just love snapping pics of them!!

Swimming with Daddy!

Brennar is still loving his swim lessons. Last summer when we started, he screamed before he got in the pool and continued screaming until he was out and completely dressed. Boy has that changed. Now the screaming comes when he has to get out of the pool. In fact, one of the other moms said "Brennar must be out of the pool" the other day because he was screaming so loud. (it was a mom I like really well, and she said/meant it as a joke - otherwise I would have been a little angry - no one talks badly about my babies!!!) I just love the way he looks in his little wetsuit:)

What a great picture of his sweet smile!

I am so glad Clint and Brennar get to do this together, I think it really means a lot to both of them Proof that he actually does swim, under the water no less!!

Sheer joy!!

He used to only swim from the teacher to Clint, but will now go between both, freely

At the end of class, they get to do something fun, he loves when it is the slide, he would go down over and over if he could

Not sure if you could tell, but I am one proud mama! I am so glad he enjoys swimming as much as I did/do!!!! I am really not sports inclined so at least we have this in common that I can do with him as he gets older. (he loves running, too, yay!!!)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Grama's time in Colorado

Like always, we had a super fun time when my mom was here! I am always able to run all the errands I need to, we went out on 3, yes, 3 dates all by ourselves, and a couple fun trips out with the kiddos. So, for many reasons, we always hate the trip to take her home. This time, both the kids were sleeping when I dropped her off and when we got home, Brennar FREAKED out that she was gone. It was so sad:(

Speaking of Brennar, isn't he such a cutie!
He is playing with cloud dough here, it was one of my many fun ideas I got from pinterest. He had a grand ol' time playing in it

Case in point:

Here is daddy with his princess. I think this is his favorite outfit for her:) Clint lives in Under Armor clothes, so when I came home with a pink and purple outfit for Brilee, he couldn't wait for her to wear it

I think she may like it, too

Or maybe she just likes her daddy:)

Grama read so many books to Brennar when she was here, he actually memorized 2 different ones, or maybe he can already read!!!

Brennar and his Grama :)

Brilee has started crinkling her nose up when she smiles sometimes, it is adorable, but then again I think everything my kids do is adorable!

We acutally took the kiddos to the aquarium, it was tons of fun, but unfortunately I didnt take any pictures, it was so crowded there I didn't even want to take out my camera. But either way, it was a fun time for all of us!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Outside Fun

A couple weeks ago we had a super nice day, so we all hung out outside for an hour or so. Let me tell you, I can not wait for the weather to be nice all the time. Brennar is really at the age where he wants to go outside all the time and I am not quite able to let him have the freedom to go out in the backyard with out me, and it has just been a little chilly for Brilee, so inside is where we stay:(

Here is the little princess, just hanging out with Grama taking it all in Brennar loves his bike! It is going to be so much fun to take him on the bike path with it this spring.

Is he not just the cutest little 2 year old to ever ride a bike!!

Luckily, he LOVES putting on his helmet, too:)

Oh yeah, he loves the bell and horn Grampa added to his bike just as much:)

We hardly have any family pictures, guess we need to really try to take more when other people are around... not the best, but it works

Now this nex picture is just about the sweetest thing ever! How cute!! Brennar really does love his sister, he is such a sweetheart, he will give you (me, Clint and Brilee mostly) kisses anytime you ask. I LOVE it!

He said that he was exploring the rock path here, he is so curious and so smart. So of the things that come out of his mouth just amaze me

I love this picture
It has been really nice the last few days, so here's to it staying that way!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

My little dress-up girl!

I am having way too much fun having a little girl! I just love dressing her up. She luckily enjoys, for the most part, having her picture taken. Sometimes she isnt quite sure what the giant thing pointing at her face is and it takes a little bit to get her to smile, but usually I get this....
Minus the red eye here, I love everything about this one

My sleepy little princess

And on to the fashion show!!!

Seriously, how cute is she???

There is just something about little girls in tu-tus and headbands that is just so adorable

Add some wings and she goes from a princess to a fairy princess:)

Rolls and all, she is perfect!!!