Friday, March 30, 2012

Park time!

For Christmas Art and Debbi gave us some money to go get new bikes and my parents bought us this bike trailer, I cannot wait to get to use it all the time this summer! Brennar loves it, seriously, loves it. We have used it maybe 5 or so times the last couple weeks and he asks almost every day to go for a "trailer ride". Brilee didn't initially like it so much, but the last few times she has done great. Clint and I are way, way out of shape, but it actually is really light to pull.

So, our first adventure was to one of the near-by elementary schools playground. It was a lot of fun. We go to the park that is near our house at least 4 times a week, so Brennar really liked changing it up a bit.

He has actually enjoyed the park so much, we bought a playset for the backyard. It is quite massive so we are waiting for my dad to make a trip out here to help set it up:)

Awful picture, but proof that Brilee was there, too.

This kid a no fear!! He would have climbed it himself, luckily he let daddy help

He practiced jumping to daddy, just like he does at swimming

This is the park by our house. It is so close and so nice to have. We actually met some kids there the first time we went this spring. Brennar and Audrey aka Laundry, made a love connection:) She is this adorable little girl who is 3 months older than Brennar, they had a great time. Brennar now asks to go see, Laundry and The Boy (Audrey's brother) everytime we go for a stroller ride to the park.

He is just the cutest!

I love how excited he gets for almost everything, he is such a sweet little boy, I love him so much!!

The Princess just hung out on the grass watching her big bro, she had a great time too. She was sitting on a blanket, but would kick and her little feet touched the grass, she loved it.

She just stared at Brennar running around the entire time.

Look how tall this slide is??? He thinks it is great. I sure hope he likes his new playset as much as he likes this park!

I took this picture of Brilee because it honestly was the first time she has ever messed with something on her head. She has barretts, clips, headbands or hats on everyday and she never bugs them, lucky me, I can dress her up to my hearts content!!

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