Friday, June 8, 2012

Hawaii: Numero Uno

We had the best time in Hawaii, we are so lucky to be able to go two years in a row!! And we didn't take it for granted. We were outside, everyday, all day, it was great, definitely my kind of vacation!! I (ok maybe Grama) took over 500 pictures, so I seperated them into a few different posts - dont worry I'll only posted about 50!

Here is my little Hawaiian Princess:)
Brennar wanted his picture taken with the fish, so we did the best we could...
Family book reading time before bed
Is he not the cutest little thing you ever saw??? He is such a little stud
His first step in the water, he liked it just as much this year is he did last year, thank goodness because it would have been an super long week for him
Just loungin with mom
Seriously, he is a such a cutie!
"Daddy, you chase me in the water"
He absolutely LOVED going down the slides in the pool.  This was his first time down, and his only time with help...after he tried it once he would only do it by himself
Even face first!!
But, catching him at the bottom before he got dunked was ok with him:)
He could not have had a better time!  There were 3 little slides like these, but lots of big ones, unfortunately he was 2 inched shy of the height requirement, guess we will have to go back next year so he can try them out, too!!

Not sure who is having a better time here, Brennar or mommy!!
Miss Princess was napping while we were at the pool this day, but came down to watch for a bit when she woke up
This next picture will need a little explaining... Brennar, like most kids I'm sure, likes to push the buttons in elevators, so we let him.  The first day we were there, he was pushing the button with his right hand and his other was on the elevator door.  Well, the door started moving and he didn't move his hand and it got stuck in between the door and where the door goes in to the side of the elevator. Not sure if that makes sense??? Anyways,i t was so sad!! Poor kid, it took quite a bit of strength to get it out and it was all black and blue, I was sure he broke some fingers.  Thankfully, it was better a few hours later and only had a little bruising.  But, that didn't stop him from wanting to push the buttons every other time we were in the elevator. So, we made him put his left hand on his head while he pushed the button and then put his right on his head when he was done until we got out of the elevator.  It worked like a charm:)

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