Sunday, September 23, 2012

The week I want to FORGET!!!

So, this last week was the most miserable one I have had as a mom, serioulsy!!!! Last Friday night, Brennar started acting a little funny, had a low-grade fever, but for the most part was ok.  Little did I know it was the beginning of the worst week ever! 

Friday night didn't go so well, he woke up a few times and ended up needing to sleep in our bed. On a side note, he is not the most fun to sleep with, he literally turns 90 degrees about every 30 minutes or so, sometimes if he is feeling extra crazy its a full 180.  So, anyways Saturday he was crabby and tired and started to have a slight cough.  It wasn't awful, but for him to be crabby I knew he wasn't feeling well at all.  Saturday night was more of the same with him and this time Brilee wanted in on the action.  So she was up about 5 times, and was pretty inconsolable.  She wanted to be held and rocked all night long.  And again, Brennar woke up and had to sleep in our bed.  Luckily, Clint was home with me Sunday and both kids were coughing like crazy, deep hacking coughs.  Brennar pretty much lost his voice so was only whispering and Brilee's voice got so deep she sounded like a 50 year old man who had smoked all his life. I'm sure you can guess how Sunday went.  Awesome. But, to top it off, I got sick during the night and was throwing up. Double awesome.  So, we called first thing Monday morning, got them in to the doctors and they both had croop. Fun times ahead! I think their stomachs may not have felt great either because all three of us took turns throwing up all week.  But, we are all on the mend now, yay!!!

Here are some pictures of the kiddos from the later part of the week

After a few days of steroids, they were feeling a bit better

We spent much of the week hanging out in just underware:)
(dont mind the sideways picture, I can't get it to flip) He still gives great big smiles even though he clearly wasn't himself
But, this picture of Brilee pretty much sums up how we all felt all week long!
And here are a few random pictures I found of Grama Honey and the kiddos, just to end on a high note!!!

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