Saturday, June 20, 2015

Jr. K graduation

 I can't even believe this happened!! My baby is all done with Jr - K (preschool) and is off to the big school next year.  To say I am dreading it, isn't even close to how I feel about it.  Actually just typing this right now I have tears in my eyes.  Brennar is the sweetest little boy I have even met, and I can honestly say that has nothing to do with him being mine.  I worry every day that I didn't prepare him enough for what happens in the real world and how kids can be mean to other kids, because there really was NONE of that at his preschool. God knew exactly what he was doing when he guided our family there and I will be forever grateful that I choose this school.  And his class who he now has been with for 3 years is so special.  These kids love each other, seriously love each other.  To the point where most families (if their kids aren't doing full day kindergarten) are going to come back next year 2 days a week in the afternoons for an enrichment class.  And to think that the families and the teachers recognized this bond between these kids and actually came up with a brand new program so this could happen; blessed are we!  My emotions have nothing to do with this baby either, I swear, that is just how much I love this school and my oldest baby!

Brennar walking in
The Jr K class performing for us
 All the preschool preforming, my sweet little Brilee Grace loves this school too
 She even got a certificate of completing 2 day a week preschool, she is moving up to 3 days next year.  I will have a completely different reaction when she moves on to kindergarten, more of a "watch out world, Brilee has arrived"  :)
 I am so bummed how dark this is, but here is Brennar receiving his diploma
 And his absolutely wonderful teacher, Mrs. Meyer- I can't even believe the things she has taught these kids this year!  Have I mentioned I love their school?!?!
 This is Brilee and her best buddy Hailey from, they developed a fast friendship and I am so grateful for that
 Family photo with all my graduates!
 And Brennar and Eli - boy will these 2 miss each other next year!  This is one friendship we will not let dwindle no matter how little we get to see each other now.  These boys are the bestest of friends!

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