Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hurry up... and wait

So, as most of you probably know, I didn't have the easiest pregnancy this time around.  Actually, I think with each baby, the pregnancies have gotten progressively worse.  With Brennar, I was sick until about 14 weeks and extremely tired throughout, but nothing I couldn't handle, especially since I only worked for about 2 months of it, and that was during the second (easiest) trimester. Then with Brilee, I was sick until about 18 weeks - actually so sick I had to call my mom in to help me with Brennar - then I was put on semi-bed rest at 28 weeks because she was ready to come!  Bryden wasn't so fun either, I was sick for all but 4 weeks of it.  Then with Mr. Brexten, I again was sick all but about a month of it, plus he gave us a pretty good scare at 32 weeks.  So, as you can imagine, that last month of pregnancy seems to take FOREVER! 

I absolutely love my OB, he happened to be on call, over Christmas weekend when I went into labor with Brennar, which was amazing and then with Brilee and Bryden he induced me so he could deliver them for me too.  A lot of people think that when it comes down to it, it doesn't really matter which doctor delivers your babies, but for me, he was there on the 3 best days and 2 worst days of my life, so I obviously was hoping he would say he would induce me again.  We started talking about it around my 34 week appointment and he said he would go over all my dates and look back at my other deliveries to see when we could set it up.  My goal was to have the baby by September 11th, because my doctor was hosting a fundraiser on the 12th and I just didn't want to chance him not being able to come in.  Lucky for me, my dates lined up and he said we would be fine to go in on the night of the 10th, in hopes to get baby out before the 12th. At my last appointment at 38 weeks he told me we could actually go in the night of the 9th, I was so excited, I really didn't want my last baby born on September 11th. 

So, the day finally arrived, we were planning to go in at 7:30 pm the night of the 9th. I had quite a few very painful contractions that day, so I was hoping it meant baby was deciding he was ready to come then too!  We were told to call the hospital a few hours before our induction just to make sure they were ready for me.  Well, we called about 5 and were told they were so busy they didn't have a bed for me and to call back around 8.  I was so bummed!!

 Clint and I decided to drive down to Denver anyways so when I called back at 8 we could be right there within a few minutes.  So 8 comes and I make another call, only to hear the very same thing, no beds call back in 3 hours.  Awesome. After hearing that we thought it would be best to get a hotel room in Denver since they could be calling us any time during the night to come in and I didn't want them to give away my bed if we were still an hour away.  So that's what we did; we got ourselves a room and waited, and waited and waited, only to call back at 11 to hear, still no beds its not looking good for all night.  I tossed and turned all night and FINALLY got a call at 5:45, from my doctor.  He informed me he had just got off the phone with the hospital and they didn't think they could get me in all day, but if I wanted there was a bed available at the other hospital he delivers at.  We immediately agreed to go there, so the plan was to get there about 8 and he would meet us there.

Fast forward a couple hours and we were walking in the doors of the hospital at 7:55.  We got up to the L and D floor and once again had to wait as the receptionist was checking in another women in labor.  After paperwork we were finally taken back to a room about 8:30.  I got into a hospital gown and started going through my life story answering all their questions.  As one nurse asked me questions another one started my IV, only she couldn't get it, so they switched. I'd like to say the IV was the worst part of the labor like it was with both Brilee and Bryden's but unfortunately that wasn't the case. The resident OB on call, came in and said she had talked to my beloved doctor and he was stuck at the other hospital doing a delivery but would be over as soon as possible, so she wanted to check me and then get the Pitocin started. I was totally up for that, I wanted a baby in my arms so bad! So after the most painful experience ever, she told me I was 1.5 cm and 60%, not a lot but I was glad my body had started doing something. After that, they started the awful but wonderful medicine in my IV right about 9:30. And boy oh boy did it start up those contractions.  They were not so fun but the nurses kept saying how good it was that they were coming so fast and strong.  They were definitely painful but nothing I couldn't handle then.  Well, at 10:45 my doctor came in, he checked me and I was up to a 4 and 80% and he broke my water. Almost immediately my contractions became so intense I just started shaking.  The nurse said are you ready for the epidural, ummm YES I AM!!!! She checked me once more since they were so intense, about 11 and I was still at a 4.  They came in to put the epidural in almost as soon as I asked. The contractions were coming so fast and were so intense that I didn't even get over a 30 second break with each one to get the epidural in, but I didn't care, I just wanted some relief.  So it was put in but it was having a hard time catching up to the Pitocin so I was still in so much pain with each contraction. About 11:10 Clint asked me if I wanted to be checked again because I didn't seem ok.  So the nurse did and I was at a 9, I went from 4 to 9 in less than 30 minutes.  And then all of the sudden I felt so much pressure, seriously, so much, she checked me again about 20 after and I was ready to go.  I couldn't believe it! I really wasn't expecting to have a baby until after dinner that night sometime.  So, she paged my doctor and then the waiting began.  Thankfully, right as the pressure came, my epidural kicked in and I was no longer in any pain.  He quickly drove across Denver from his office and walked in about 11:40.  The entire time the nurses kept telling me not to push at all or if I couldn't wait they would call in the resident to deliver me.  No thank you, I did everything in my power to have my doctor there was no way I wasn't waiting the few minutes it took for him to get there. He got all set up, I was reminded how to push
 and then on my next contraction I pushed and out came his head!! Clint told me he had dark hair, I was so excited.  One more push and out he came!!! It was perfect, just like the other 3 deliveries.
He was perfect!  He cried right away and they when they gave him to me he stopped, Heaven!! I was able to hold him for about an hour and then they took him and did all his measurements.  6lbs 3oz and 21", my smallest in weight but almost (Bryden was 21 1'4) my longest.  I was a little surprised by his weight, but I was throwing up so much and I got a horrible cold about 2 weeks before he came that after I thought about it, it made sense he wasn't able to gain more.
Stay tuned for the next post when Brennar, Brilee and Bryden finally get to meet him!! And if you made it through all that, thank you! It's mostly for myself so I don't forget any detail of this little princes birth:)

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