Thursday, February 11, 2016

Wrapping up January

These are all just a bunch of pictures I found on my phone.

My 3 boys and their matching Jordans they got for Christmas
Brennar started basketball for the first time this year.  I was against it, mostly because he is so tall and skinny I don't feel like he has the best control over his body, but surprisingly he has done pretty good.  He definitely has a long way to go, but boy is he good on defense, the kid he covers, never gets the ball.
Daddy is coaching and sponsoring the team, so we thought that Brennar deserved to pick out the first jersey and he chose #1
It just breaks my heart that my kids don't like each other, I mean really, neither of them look like they are enjoying each other one bit
Brilee's back teeth have always been a little weird, so the dentist thought we should put fillings in them to protect them from getting cavities in the baby teeth as well as the teeth underneath.  She did pretty good, but the laughing gas had her arms and legs doing crazy things
Brexten and his best friend, Cooper, 2 months apart
my little bronco "cheeser"
I love when he falls asleep on me
He is getting big enough for all of the toys we have, he loves the exersaucer
He wanted his picture taken laying on the stairs, silly boy
New Years date night
Daddy let Brilee paint his toes, she has a way to go, but they both had fun none the less:)
Brilee is always touching Brexten, in the car, on the floor, anywhere, she adores him
He was exactly 4 months here
How did I get so lucky???
Me and the big kids sporting our Team Kelsey shirts!
Poor middle child isn't the baby any longer, but tries to be when he gets a chance
My whole world all on one couch:)
I have no words....
I am so grateful that my one little girl is so very girly.  She either has a dress or skirt on every day, or a ballet outfit. Or even a real princess dress
Bryden is the best, he is naughty and sweet all the time, I just want to take a bit out of his cute little cheeks!
And this little boy is the best baby ever, and I have had amazingly great babies, he is such a perfect completion of our family

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