Sunday, November 13, 2016

Christmas is coming...

 but it's already here at our house!  We decided to put up our decorations a tad early this year.  With Brennar having a tummy bug for a few days, we had to cancel quite a few plans we had so we wanted to make some fun for ourselves.

I adore our tree

 And I love seeing all of our stockings hanging above the fire place

 Our baby tree that has Bella and Beckett's ornaments and our yearly family one
We get to check one item off our bucket list now!

Weekends at the Stapps

 I am not sure if it is all boys, or just mine, but they have no fear!  This is pretty common thing at our house, someone is always walking on the table, or the counters, or balancing on the back of our couch. It drives me crazy, but I am sure I will miss it when they stop one day:)
Bryden will do anything anyone does if they get a reaction from it, just so he does too, little stinker
 I took all the kids in for haircuts, and Brexten got his first one:(  I loved his long whispy hair, but Clint thought he looked like he was starting to grow bangs, so we had to trim it up a bit

 He looks so much older to me now, it was a sad day for this mama
 We do an annual progressive dinner in our neighborhood and we were actually able to make it this year.  I love the ladies I live by, some have become my very closest friends:)
 Don't they look so chipper??? This was at 4:30 in the morning after the time change..who thought of this ridiculous idea?? Someone who wanted to torture parents I am assuming
 The 4 kids and I were all signed up to do a race this weekend, but Brennar ended up sick so he couldn't go, so I just brought Brilee and left the boys home.  We had a lot of fun together.  She did great, she fell about 2 minutes in, but popped right back up and kept running.
 Our picture at the finish line:)

End of soccer

 We had the last games of the soccer season last weekend, and I honestly am going to miss it.  Brennar really thrived at goalie, it was so fun to watch him play, we couldn't be more proud of him!
He knew just what to do to stop that ball, and let me tell you, every time he was in there, he had such a work out! It was a big step up this year for his team - they changed the age group and the number of kids on the field.  So Brennar was literally the youngest one out there with his birthday being the end of the year.  And his coach told us that he asked for our team to be played up - he thought they could handle it since they had played together for so long.  So, his team played against all other teams that had played in this age bracket before, it showed a lot, but they still had lots of fun and learned a lot!
 And this one, wow she is a good little player.  She was always excited to go in and she ALWAYS played her heart out each time she was in.  There was only one game (the first) where she didn't score at least one goal.

 These girls were always ready!
 I love how excited she would get when anyone would score

The very last game Brilee was able to play against her best friend from school last year, they were so happy to see each other.  And she was lucky enough to get to play with her other best friend every game:)  until next season!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

It's Halloween Night!

And finally I am caught up to Halloween night!

This one is "so cute its scary" I mean seriously, who doesn't think a one year old with a monster on his tush is cute????

He makes so many different faces now when I try to get pictures of him
Spidey here is always up for some pictures!

Brilee decided to be a peacock a couple days before Halloween, so that was fun running around town trying to find one - luckily we found one, in size 12 - but grama debbi was able to stitch it up a bit

Right before trick or treating - they all had so much fun!
Happy Halloween!!

Halloween fun

The Halloween activities took place on different days for my middle 2 and for Brennar, so we were able to go to both!

Brilee dressed as Elena of Avalor and Bryden was "Siderman"
Brilee is always so nice to Bryden at school, she makes sure he is by her all the time
They decorated cookies

They did pumpkin bowling

And they sat together for a story and pictures, all before we took them to a nursing home to give a parade to the residents

I can't get this darn picture to rotate, but here is Brennar and a couple of his buddies all dressed as super heros
The parade the school did was super fast, so these are the best shots I got of Captain America

At least we were able to go watch!

pumpkin time!

Well these are all backwards, but we had fun painting pumpkins this year.

Bryden did Paw Patrol - I think his was the best:)

Brexten did Dory

Brennar did BB8
And the princess did a princess - go figure:)

We had lots of fun doing it this way - the kids could do everything, where as when we carve the pumpkins they pretty much only get to pick out their design (picture by Brennar)

He had fun watching us all paint - and even let me paint his;)