Sunday, November 13, 2016

End of soccer

 We had the last games of the soccer season last weekend, and I honestly am going to miss it.  Brennar really thrived at goalie, it was so fun to watch him play, we couldn't be more proud of him!
He knew just what to do to stop that ball, and let me tell you, every time he was in there, he had such a work out! It was a big step up this year for his team - they changed the age group and the number of kids on the field.  So Brennar was literally the youngest one out there with his birthday being the end of the year.  And his coach told us that he asked for our team to be played up - he thought they could handle it since they had played together for so long.  So, his team played against all other teams that had played in this age bracket before, it showed a lot, but they still had lots of fun and learned a lot!
 And this one, wow she is a good little player.  She was always excited to go in and she ALWAYS played her heart out each time she was in.  There was only one game (the first) where she didn't score at least one goal.

 These girls were always ready!
 I love how excited she would get when anyone would score

The very last game Brilee was able to play against her best friend from school last year, they were so happy to see each other.  And she was lucky enough to get to play with her other best friend every game:)  until next season!

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