Thursday, August 30, 2018

Bryden and Brexten's 1st day

Bryden and Brexten both started school on Monday the 20th and they both had GREAT first days!

I just love his cheese face!
He got his first real back pack this year and was beyond thrilled, he has worn it around the house pretty consistently
Brennar and Brilee was such big helps to me on their first day

Can't believe this is his last year in preschool and I will have more kids in elementary school than preschool

Class of 2034

Class of 2032

Bryden and Brexten the sky is the limit for you two. I pray you are always as close as you are right now!  Best friends and brothers!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Brennar plays at Mile High

Brennar his is flag football got offered a chance to play before the preseason Bronco game on the field this past weekend.  The boys were stoked!
They waited not so patiently outside until they were brought in

Down on the field for the first time

Brennar's cheerleaders are pretty darn cute, aren't they??
I got lots of videos and a few pictures, but it was so cool!  He did awesome!  They only played for the most 10 minutes and Brennar got 4 of their teams 5 flag pulls!
The broncos and bears players were out on the field warming up while the boys played, it was so exciting for them
We all got a chance to go watch the Bronco game after, it is probably the only time all 6 of us will be able to go to a game together.
Brennar and his best friend, Conner.  It's probably the only time he will be at a game with his friends too!

Family picture in front of the stadium to prove we were all there!
We are all looking forward to this next season of flag football starting up soon!

Friday, August 17, 2018

1st and 3rd grade first day!

The popsicle pop in is always the afternoon before school starts.  It's a chance to meet your teacher, see your new classroom, put away your school supplies and see what friends are in your class.  Brennar (barely) let me take a picture.
I took the 3 little kids out for dinner the night before school started, Brennar had football practice (he has a fun little surprise coming up this weekend that they needed to be ready for) So fun to be able to do this with our friends on a whim
Brennar's  First Day of 3rd grade - I am: 8, I Love to: play sports, Favorite color: Blue, 460 pounds, 56 inches, Goals: Learn multiplication and write a sports book, My teacher is: Mrs. Trembly, I want to be a : Football Player, Favorite book: I Survived
He was so excited to find a Griz back pack when we were in Montana this summer

Brilee's  First Day of 1st grade - I am: almost 7, I Love to: play with my dogs, Favorite color: Aqua, 48 pounds, 50 inches, Goals: Read a chapter book, My teacher is: Mrs. Waters, I want to be a : dolphin trainer, Favorite book: Amelia Bedelia
Isn't she the cutest???
Breannar was a little nervous about starting 3rd grade, but he is so ready, he LOVES to learn
This girl is just the best, she is so independent but still loves on me so much, were best friends, for now!
The appeased me with all my photos:)

Brilee got her same teacher as last year, Mrs. Waters, she moved up to 1st grade so we couldn't pass up the chance to be with her again!
Brennar got the teacher he was hoping for, Mrs. Trembly, so happy for him!
Brilee walking in to 1st grade!
There he goes, 3rd grade better be ready for him!
Walking home after the first day - all these 8 kids love each other so much!

I absolutely love that I found these shirts when Brennar started kindergarten and now can see the difference each year.  His hands are huge compared to Brilee's!

This year is a hard one for me, Brennar was the hardest so far, I think because now he is in the second half of elementary school, only 10 more years at home:(  I know they will both do big things this year!

We have a jammed packed weekend with football and birthday parties, but stay tuned, the little boys both start school on Monday!

Brilee's birthday party

I always try to do Brilee's birthday before school starts, mostly because she is able to see her friends right before school so they remember its going to be fun to see them everyday, and because it avoids the weird invites to the new friends that I don't know yet

Her theme was unicorns, and I loved it so much!

The goody bags were adorable
I really liked how the cupcakes turned out

We went to a painting studio and the girls each made a unicorn tote bag

So cute
It was seriously so much fun!  Her friends are the best

She asked her friends to not give her gifts this year but if they would bring money if they wanted so she could donate it to the Longmont Humane Society, she was so excited!  We took it today, she never stopped smiling the entire time we were there:)