Monday, December 31, 2018

Christmas morning

Santa came!! And they made quite the haul!
Harry Potter legos, alarm clock, heat signature googles, UA clothes, rc car, Jurrasic World and team mates for Brennar
LOL dolls, bunny, make-up case, alarm clock, UA outfut, gymnastics leotard and a balance beam for Brilee
Game, Jumangi, flush force, dino legos, UA outfit and trail cam for Bryden
Hulk piggy back, huld lego, Antman movie, UA outfit, lego dinos for Brexten.  And both boys got a really cool, hanging chair!
Santa and his reindeer ate and drank what we left out for them AND Brexten got a special note from Santa. He left ALL his pacis out for Santa to take back to the North Pole to give to the other babies who need them more than he does.  He had a little bit of a rough week with out them, but all in all is doing much better then I expected!! Yay!!
I love getting to see them run through the paper every year to see what they got from Santa all together!
The smiles!!

Brexten thought it was absolutely fabulous to get to run though this year! Seriously, look at him!!
I love how they check out their siblings gifts and are excited for them and what they got too

Lots and lots of smiles and happy kids!

Brexten loves the panthers - not really sure why - and he calls them the jaguars, but he was super excited to get his very own jersey this year!

Family picture of all "12" of us in our matching jammies - the dogs were not tortured, they honestly didn't mind them at all

Grama and Grampa with the kids
And the dogs - minus Koda - he was over it and headed upstairs to be alone:)
It was loud, and chaotic and loud, and fun and did I mention, loud?? But a really really great Christmas!!

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