Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Brennar and Brilee start basketball

I always have regretted that I didn't play any team sports growing up - I just don't think the friendships you make with your teammates really are ever broken - so I have tried and tried to get Brilee into something.  I have never pushed her but I don't stop asking and this year so EXCITEDLY said yes to trying basketball!
She really really had the defensive side down, but if she was passed the ball she got rid of it as quickly as possible! 

This was Brennar's 3rd year playing, there were 6 boys on the team and they were all kids he has played with either on his football team or his baseball team so he really had a blast this year
The program they go through is so darn great, they pray as teams before every game

Braylon, Kasen, Mason, Jackson, Brennar and Carter - with coach Kellen - who is also their football coach

Kayla, Abby, Hayden, Brilee, Bria and Carly - with their coaches Bob and Jason
I couldn't be more proud of Brilee, she learned so dang much and the last few games even scored a few baskets!! And best thing, she says she wants to do it next season too!!

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