I love so much when I get to see my kids perform, the older they get the school performances seem to drop off - Brennar only does a spring concert now, and I think this is his last year:(
But I certainly enjoy it when he does! He was on the other side of the room than I was sitting this year so I didn't get any pictures during it that came out too great. So this one of his cheering crowd is the only decent one
Brilee did so great this year, she loved every minute of being up there!
Her best friend Christian and her:)
Grampa Art came to watch her, she loved that someone came just for her:)
And Bryden just decided he wanted his training wheels off and off he went - that kid is so naturally athletic, he must get it from me;)
I took some of my friends to a little event at the dealership, I loved the backdrop they brought for photos
I wasn't feeling super great on Easter, so only managed a few pictures, but the Easter bunny did make it to Longmont again
We don't venture north too much, but we did one weekend and went to an awesome park, it started pouring on us before I got any pictures, but then we headed to a neat ice cream shop after, I loved these colorful chairs, so I at least got in 1 picture that day
My sweet cousin went and visited my grampa and grama one weekend and posted this picture and I noticed that my grampa was wearing the shirt I got him when I was in college:)
And just a couple randoms I got, Brennar excels at being a big brother!
And I got myself a Fort Nite cowboy - nobody better mess with him!
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