Sunday, July 14, 2019

Long summer days

We have spent so many hours at the pool this summer.  It has been wonderful.  It's the first year I can sit and watch them, I am not sure I will ever be comfortable reading or something while they swim, but I am able to watch from the side and they all play together
Oh and the water balloons, so many water balloon fights! 

Also, we added another middle of the night ER trip to our summer.  Brexten fell out of bed, and I heard him right away.  He does this on occasion and cries a little but not a ton, I can usually just come in and put him back in bed and he is just fine.  But he was screaming this time.  I walked in and he was standing between the bed and the door, so I went over to pick him up and then I felt something dripping on my arm.  He had hit is head on the corner of his nightstand - at least that's what we think happened, there really isn't anything else he could have hit, but he was sleeping so doesn't know what it was - but oh my gosh, so much blood!  We were able to get it stopped fairly quickly, but then we saw just how deep it was.  He asked for Clint to take him and I was told he did perfect.  And thankfully, no stitches, just tape and glue.  It is definitely going to leave a pretty nasty scar.

Brennar helped coach Bryden's tee ball team with Clint, he was usually 3rd base coach, him and Bryden both loved it.
Fun birthday party piñata!

The birthday boy and Bryden, he is the middle kiddo of my friend who is moving, Bryden is definitely going to miss him!
And this little lady "lost" her front tooth - and by lost I mean I pulled it out because it was just hanging there
8 little boys playing backyard football, on a teeny tiny patch of grass

It didn't end well, Brennar got the worst of it:(  He was the oldest one out there playing and got this from the youngest - Brexten "the freight train" Stapp.

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